Monday, March 26, 2012

Evicting Peter Rabbit

As a child, you probably sympathized with the title character in Beatrix Potter’s children’s story, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. But when rabbits are ravaging your peas, Mr. McGregor–the mean old farmer who chased Peter–might suddenly seem more like a sympathetic 
anti-hero than a villain. 

Thought I'd share some of the bunnies that are visiting our garden.


"Isn't he cute" might be an expression you use watching Peter Rabbit hop about, unless you're a gardener and they're enjoying your plants, in the food sense.  

Friday, March 23, 2012

We're Expecting!

We are thrilled to announce 
that we are expecting our first baby 
on June 4, 2012!

Most of you already know of this news, but for those of you that don't SURPRISE!!

Christmas 2011 brought much excitement--we found out the sex of our baby! We surprised the first time grandparents with a cake that would reveal the sex of our baby.  

Both families thought it was a boy, but....

It's a GIRL!!  

Emma Gunter Copeland  

I am extremely close to my grandmother and thrilled that our baby girl 
will share her name!  (my grandmothers name is Emma and her maiden name was Gunter)